Saturday, February 1, 2014

Pros and Cons

Just being in Spain for about a week, I've started to notice things that I love about living here and things that I don't love about living here (definitely more on the love side, though). Here's the list so far:

1. Spanish people are really blunt. It's very strange at first, but I find it really refreshing. For example, people refer to me as white or pale on the daily (and people tend to think I'm from Ireland)-not in a rude way, but it's really common for them to identify people by how they look. Another example: I didn't realize my host mom had set breakfast out on the table for me, so I didn't eat it. Later that day I was trying to explain that I didn't realize she had done that and she called me "tonta," aka a cutesy version of calling me stupid/silly. Some international students find this really difficult to adjust to, but I kind of like the forwardness!

2. Public bathrooms here NEVER have toilet paper or soap. It's really annoying and kind of gross! I've learned to carry tissues and hand sanitizer everywhere I go.

3. Coffee, Coca-Cola, yogurt, and ice cream are SO much better here. Probably because they use real ingredients and sugar?

4. Apparently you're not supposed to smile at strangers? I find myself doing this a lot without realizing and I think it makes people uncomfortable...

5. The nightlife: awesome. Spainiards love to drink, but definitely not the way Americans do. It's not in excess and it's more of a nightly social gathering than a big event.

6. I've found that a lot of times in stores and restaurants when I speak Spanish to someone, they automatically respond to me in English (if they know it). I get a little thrown off. Maybe they're just trying to make my life easier, but I just want to practice my Spanish!

And I love the beautiful, sunny weather!

I'm sure this list will become much longer the more time I spend here, but this is what I've discovered in my first few days here! ¡Gracias para leer!

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